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- Guangzhou New Zealand overseas international freight agency co., LTD. Is China's general administration of customs approved the establishment of the professional customs declaration company, professional agent for shipping, air import and export customs declaration, inspection declaration, transit, bonded, warehousing, subordinate foreign trade companies to provide clients with professional foreign trade import and export agent, international letters of credit, cash foreign exchange and other international business, the specialty is engaged in container transportation, bulk cargo transport, dangerous goods transport and customs supervision white card transport business, we have a young excellent service team, has a large number of experienced customs declaration and inspection declaration commissioner, in 5 years, and the customs and commodity inspection department has established good relations of cooperation. Guangzhou new international freight forwarding company specializes in providing export logistics services of guangzhou port. Guangzhou new international freight forwarding company has established a good corporate reputation in the province. As a logistics service provider, it provides fast channels for the export of enterprises and factories. The company has its own customs broker, tugfleet, strong customs relations and a large trailer team, I believe we will be able to solve your export worries. Established in 2005 with the approval of the general administration of customs, guangzhou bureau of foreign economic relations and trade and guangzhou administration for industry and commerce, guangzhou xinfang overseas is a professional customs broker engaged in the customs clearance of import and export goods, supervised goods and bonded goods. (check out all of >>)
-12 20
- 大量承运:陶瓷、家具、电器、电子产品、地砖、陶瓷原料、塑料、轮胎、废塑料、塑料颗粒、五金、废五金、马口铁、铁粉、玻璃、食品、饮料、日用品、调味品、饲料、纸张、木材、石材、建材、产品配件、工业品、产品原材料等国内海运集装箱运输服务
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- 优势价格:免报关提单费商检费及其他杂费,上门收货、服务到门。
我们坚守“以客户为先”的服务信念以及“诚信,专业,不断完善,与客户共赢”的经营理念,充分发挥毗邻香港地理优势,以免商检报关服务优势和中港线运输优势,力争成为深圳的专业国际空运企业,为广大客户提供的国际空运服务。1. FBA是什么意思?
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- 1、提供国际海运进出口、租船、订舱、报关、报检、保险等综合性一条龙服务。
2、提供全球庞大的海外代理服务网络,为您指引全球集装箱班轮整箱货、 拼箱货、EXW、DDU、DDP&TO DOOR进出口清关特色运输服务。
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- 专业通关,专业报检是我司在所有的服务项目当中,具有优势的专项服务。我司专业通关人员会根据客户的经营性质、产品特点、贸易方式等,再根据我们所掌握的专业知识,协助客户制定一套方便快捷的通关方案。我们相信客户需要的并不仅仅是一个单纯程序上的通关员,而是一个能够解决问题的方案,"热心、诚心、细心"是公司的工作要求,"不让客户留下遗憾"是我们的追求,在宝行健,您的货物,在单据齐全的情况下,进口当天提货,出口四个小时通关完毕。 与此对转关报关,转关运输,我司亦能提供一条龙的服务。 Commerce for Business of International and domestic air and sea freight forwarding. Engaged in business of goods and technology import and export, international shipping agency, non-vessel shipping business, the road general cargo transport etc. With 12 offices in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Guangzhou,Foshan and Zhongshan, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Shanghai, Yiwu, Ningbo and Qingdao.Shining Ocean has been approved by the Ministry of Transportation to have the NVOCC qualification (NVOCC NO: MOC-NV02238), National Air Freight Agent Certificate (the bronze medal number: ZN30781), And we are also member of World Cargo Alliance (WCA NO: 53576), the United States federal maritime commission member (FMC NO: 023354), member of China International Freight Forwarding Association (CIFA NO: 1187), vice President of unit of Shenzhen International Freight Forwarders Association. ...
-12 28
- 公司的海关监管车全部安装了 GPS 卫星定位车辆监测系统,更大限度地增强服务透明度,加上我们先进的管理信息系统和电子商务系统,能较充分地满足客户对货物跟踪的需求,提高公司业务处理效率、减少差错 . 客户可以通过中中公司的网站(www.zhongzhongwl.com.cn) 查询网上货物在途状态,实现最佳的信息流跟踪。实现了公司与车辆、海关与车辆、客户与车辆、车辆与车辆和业务信息的共享与统一调度管理。公司一向重视运输资源的合理配备,和其他运输企业建立有广泛的运输联盟。除在公路运输上,公司拥有自己的强大车队外,在水路、铁路、航空运输方面和其他优势企业强强合作,建立了庞大的运输网络,可为客户提供全方位的运输服务。航线优势——与30余家航空公司签有紧密合作协议,价格优惠并在业务旺季保证舱位,直达和中转航线覆盖全球主要城市,满足客户不同的需求。
-12 26
- 4、框架特种箱(Flatrack Container)普通集装箱的底部加上四角各竖立一根坚固的铁杆,便于捆扎货物。框架箱特种箱一般适用于装运大型(超长超宽)不规则大件货物,标识是FR,一般分为20FR、40FR。
5、平板特种箱(Plat-form Container) 这种特种箱比框架式特种箱更简化而只保留了底板。主要用于装卸长、重大件货物。如重型机械设备、钢材等。特种箱平台的长度与宽度与国际标准集装箱的箱底尺寸相同,可使用与其他集装箱相同的紧固件和起吊装置。这种特种箱的采用,打破了过去一直认为集装箱必须有一定容积的概念。它的标识是PC或PF,一般分为20PC(PF)和40PC(PF)。
-12 21
- Export bonded logistics
Basic mode: The domestic planed exported cargos are exported to West Coast Export Processing Zone and stored in logistics warehouse in the zone. Consigner gets export tax rebate in advance. As the foreign consignee needs cargos, the bonded logistics center transports cargos to the port for shipping.
-11 23
- 汕头起步:
JEBEL ALI USD625/950,12.1号前
ABBAS USD700/1050,12.1号前
Ho chi minh:USD140/275,目的港有14天
-10 19
- 进出口代理是指对于有货物进出口需求的客户,由于对进出口业务的不熟悉或者是没有进出口权,通过进出口代理公司代办进口出口的贸易服务型业务。进出口代理一般由代理商操作,在进出口的过程中,进出口代理商作为发货人和收货人之外的中间人,在操作过程中收取佣金,即服务费,但一般不承担信用、汇兑和市场风险,不拥有进口商品的所有权,现代物流企业有实力的,也同时提供比如备货融资,进口资金代垫等服务,一般资金需求大的时侯方需要这种服务,是供应链管理的一种模式。进出口代理细分为进口代理和出口代理。门到门