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- owns a team of qualified logistics professionals with rich experience and competent operating capability. Through our all-around, individual and effective services, we can fully meet the customers' various requirements. We achievement of competitive advantage through service comes not from slogans, but rather from a combination of a carefully-thought-out strategy for service, the development of appropriate delivery system and commitment from people, from the Chief Executive down.非洲航线
1. 提供中国各大港口至东非肯尼亚/坦桑尼亚/莫桑比克等国港到港海运服务
2. 提供中国各大港口至东非内陆国家赞比亚/刚果金/卢旺达/乌干达/南苏丹/布隆迪/马拉维等门到门一站式服务
3. 提供中国各大港口至南非主要港口毛里塔尼亚/南非德班/开普敦/ /伊丽莎白/路易斯港及南非内陆国家和内陆城市约翰尼斯堡/津巴布韦/波茨瓦纳等地
4. 提供中国各大港口至西非加纳/多哥/贝宁/科特迪瓦/尼日尼亚/安哥拉/喀麦隆等港到港运输服务
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