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- with the advantages of numerous professional and specialized highly qualified talents, and advanced computer information management system, these all lay a solid foundation which allows us to provide our customers all-round logistics services. Especially in the import and export customs clearance, we have a group of professional air cargo Customs personnel, skilled with the declaration of professional knowledge, and provide the most rapid, accurate service convenience for customers.经国家外经贸部、交通部和海关总署批准、深圳市工商局、税务总局正式注册,合法经营的货运代理公司.是一家有良好信誉的国际货运代理公司,本公司拥有一支高素质,精通运输业务的专业人才队伍,竭诚为您提供快速、高效、安全的空运、海运、陆运、仓储及海关报关手续一条龙服务以及UPS /DHL / FEDEX/TNT/ EMS等香港总代理。 本公司信誉卓越,在全球设有完善的货运服务网络,业务遍及世界各地。东南亚公司总部和仓储位于中国香港,竭诚为国内外客户提供一流的服务。公司承诺:自客户委托本公司运输货物开始,我们将对整个运输过程进行监督负责,以确保阁下货物以最短的时间,最低的成本安全运抵目的地。
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