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- 特 色:危险品全程服务,冻柜及冻代干柜出口,特殊货物进出口和监装。
优势船公司:NYK/EMC/YML/UASC/CSCL/MSC/CMA/MSK/COSCO/CSAV/RCL/APL/K-LINEProvide the clients with logistics solution designing and one-stop logistics operation, as well as value-added services basedon the international and domestic transport, including inventory management,orderhandling, distribution, simple processing, quality inspection, assorted packaging, barcode design, labelprinting, mark painting and cargo delivery,etc.
Assist the companies in integrating, planning and operating of logisticsresourcessuch as in-house logistics and project logistics.
Offer customized garment inspection & processing services.
Provideinternational e-business logistics services by general export, general importor bonded import.
Provide the domestic and international exhibitors with comprehensivelogistics services of import & export shipping, customs clearance, transferand returning.
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